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Today, I am grateful for the fall. It is the season of colored leaves, pumpkin flavored everything, Thanksgiving, my birthday, and cooling temperatures. It is the time mother nature prepares for winter.

I love the fall, because one of my favorite seasons is fast approaching–winter. I love the winter, the snow, the warm indoors, a warm cup of coffee that steams up the window. I love sweaters, blankets, and looking at the pristine snow after it falls.

The older I get, the faster the time goes. Days whip by, months roll along, and before you know it, it’s a new year.

Another thing I am grateful for in the fall are the stews, soups, and chili that fill the menu at my home during the fall and winter months. I love a good stew, soup, or chili. I also love the bread that you dunk in it. Ahh…

I also enjoy the reading I get done in the last few months of the year. I get the bulk of my reading done in the fall and winter months. There’s nothing better than a great book and a warm cup of coffee, while I listen to calming music on my iPhone.

Well, that’s it for today, folks.

Have a great Thursday!

Until next time…
